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With my work I seek to stimulate my viewers to question their thoughts, perception, and the ideals they adopted or were forced upon them.

 I want to challenge them to dismiss the safe, predictable and comfortable interpretation that is familiar and instead evolve into a new one that will feel uncomfortable and even destroy what was once thought to be the truth.

We are inclined to easily adopt an image and thought that is convenient and comfortable, and we use it as a protective barrier to fit in the world and isolate others from him. We have been taught is right and we often do not question it in order to create the false feeling of safety and acceptance.

 I challenge you to be brave enough to let your experiences and your journey change all that, change you.  If we allow it, our life experiences, the people we come in contact with, will begin to transform our preconceptions, if we embrace the pain and the joy that comes with being fully aware of the life we live and the people that surround us then our soul begins to evolve. And then maybe we can begin to view humanity with fairer judgments, not contaminated by egocentrism.

 Building it, Destroying it, Rebuilding it / Build yourself, destroy yourself, rebuild yourself.

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